Met with Don and Les with the city to go over the sample sign and discuss next steps.
The sample was well received! We identified a few things for the production signs as follows:
- Aluminum signs with UV coating, and and anti-vandalism coating if available
- reduce size of solar body symbol
- increase font size of the stats
- QR code to point to specific page for the solar body
- Arrow that will point to next and previous body along with its symbol and distance in metres
- Keep spacing above City logo and below word SOLAR as it will be good for bolts.
- adjust blue colour on SD60 logo
- add Type: Star (or Type: Planet, Dwarf Planet etc)
Next Steps
- Find class and or students to help with researching, writing, and verifying the Fun Facts for each body
- Secure sponsorships for each sign
- GPS and Paint the locations on the path so that they are clear